Gauteng Schools & Aquatics Gauteng Schools Swimming Championship
This annual event was swam at Hillcrest pool in Pretoria on the first weekend in March 2019. Qualifying times are set to control the number of entries.
The seven ESP Piranhas that entered made our team proud – as usual. Our top performer was Bernelee Doster. Bernelee won 6 medals - one gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze medals. She chose to swim 10 events achieving 8 PBs. Annebel Van Wyk and Mikayla Pon raced into second and third place in the 200m backstroke - collecting the silver and bronze for their efforts. Mikayla qualified to swim 12 events swimming 9 PB times. Annebel swam 10 events, won 1 silver medal and achieved 4 PB's. Tambai Dutiro was our final medallist, winning a bronze in the 200m backstroke event. He swam four events with 1 PB. Zimasa Ngqawana - 3 events and 2 PB. Clayton Malaza - 5 events. 1 PB. Oyama Malaza injured his shoulder in a waterpolo match, however he did swim one event finishing with a PB. All the personal best times swam at this gala will hopefully be the start of a successful 6 weeks ahead. All the Regional Level Championships, and South African Open, Youth, and Junior events will roll out up to mid April, when the 2018/19 swim season will end